Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Review: Interpet Liquifry (liquid fry food)

As a result to the recent fry that were released from some of my cichlids, I went out and bought a bottle of Interpet Liquifry.

Interpet Liquifry is a type of liquid food that is made to be a major part of a fry's diet. It is a thickish, browny yellow colour that comes in a white, 25ml bottle with a thin nozzle. It has a very large shelf life, I bought mine in Febuary 2012 and my bottle will expire in July 2014.

On the box, we see a small logo that says "50 Years Experience in Feeding Baby Fish" with a small droplet of water in the middle. I can truthfully beleive this as my cichlid fry have grown at least 5mm (from 2mm) in a matter of 2 - 3 weeks whilst I have fed them 4 doses (of 4 - 5 droplets) a day. Interpet are obviously very skilled at this sort of thing.

Growth is not the only thing Liquifry premotes. My cichlids were a clear/whitish colour when they were first let out of the mouth of their mother. After 2 - 3 weeks of feeding them Liquifry, their colours have changed to a faded blue tint on their scales.

Also, since Liquifry is a liquid mixture, you can always have the peace of mind in knowing that every fish is getting its correct amount of nutrition. Whatever is not eaten by the fry is dissolved in the water. Since fish have to take the water through their mouths to survive, it is naturally consumed by them. This kind of feeding makes sure that even the weaker fry get their food. I must say that I have had my cichlids release fry in the past, and many (I would say 40%) of them have died because they have not been able to get food since the stronger fish get to it first. In this batch of fry however, I have not had any fish die! All are fine and on the road to adulthood!

In my personal opinion, I think Interpets Liquifry is a fantastic product and I would highly recommend it to any fish keeper currently dealing with fry. It provides high amounts of nutrition and I beleive I will have a beautiful group of cichlids in the future when they grow bigger.

I will now give some stars to certain criterias that relate to Liquifry (out of 5):

Nutrition: *****

Ease of access: ****

Erganomics: ****

Athstetics: ****

Overall Mark: 4 1/2 Stars

And for anyone who wanted to know...heres a picture of my fry (2 - 3 weeks) :)


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